Thrift Shop
Small Blessings Thrift Shop
Staffed by cheerful volunteer parishioners. The shop carries seasonal clothing for men, women and children as well as “nick-knacs”, small household goods and toys. Items are for sale at nominal prices and those who are unable to pay even our low prices receive items gratis. We welcome donations of seasonal merchandise. All are welcome to shop!

Making Friends While Serving God!
Shop items need to be clean and seasonal. We can only accept donations during shop hours. Leaving them at any other times or in the hallway can violate fire safety codes. Please DO NOT use black/opaque garbage bags to bring in your donations as the staff is unable to process the contents of it. Thank you again for your support.
Our Small Blessings Thrift Store is located at 161 Mansion Street in the St. Paul’s Education Building (first floor).