What do we mean by worship?
We unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God.
Our Book of Common Prayer provides us with one answer, defining it as the time when “we unite ourselves with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments” (p.857). For most Christians, this definition captures what many of us do on any given Sunday. We gather to celebrate the word of the Lord, while also experiencing the comfort of Christian fellowship – whether it be through song, collective prayer, or a simple handshake during the peace. We also find comfort in knowing that our celebration and fellowship extends well beyond the walls of our historic church on 161 Mansion Street in Poughkeepsie.

When we come together at St. Paul’s, we join millions of our brothers and sisters across the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, worshiping Christ according to a similar form of rites and ceremonies. Though these forms vary slightly across the world, they are born from the same First Book of Common Prayer. When we gather on Sundays, we participate in a more than 450-year tradition of worshipping together through a shared, or common book of prayer. As we often say before each Communion: “All are welcome at God’s table.” We look forward to welcoming with you at St. Paul’s, as we join to celebrate Christ in our own special way.